Monday, 8 February 2016

Form Filling / Work from home - 33 Vacancies left to enroll for Year 2016

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Form Filling / Work from home - 33 Vacancies left to enroll for Year 2016


Sumento is Currently hiring for Copy Paste / Form Filling Project for our Asian client who is currently dealing in recruitment & is planning to open up a new job website.

We require 250 associates across India who are interested in working for our reputed client. You simply need to copy the data from Excel / Word (which will be sent to you by our client daily/weekly) & Paste it into our website. Work needs to be done online only.

One Assignment will be of 1000 forms. (The number of boxes will be 4 in each form & it will take 10-12 Seconds to submit a single form). We'll be Paying you Rs 600 Per Assignment. Size of the form can be seen on our website.

We will not give any targets & we will not deduct anything for the errors. Work at your convenince at any time of the day from anywhere you want. (We don't ask you to work daily).

To Start this work, please fill the Registration Form on our website at & We'll send you the Prospectus & Application Form through Courier/Email within 24-48 hours at your doorstep / E Mail.

The Payment is done monthly between 10-15th of the month through Bank Transfer / Cheque. We also offer 24*7 Support to our associates.

Go through :

Sameer Sawant
Call : 98188-96218
(10 AM - 6 PM | Mon - Fri)


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